Implants Restoration Near You

Implant restoration near you is an extremely effective treatment that repairs a patient’s smile, specifically its functionality, although its aesthetic appearance is improved in the process, too. Two or three appointments may be needed to complete this procedure fully. Once it’s done, you’ll be left with a beautiful smile that won’t cause you any discomfort, pain, or embarrassment.

If you’d like more information about this service, call our family dentist near you.

Dental Implants in West Kelowna

What are Implants?

Implants are, first and foremost, artificial tooth roots that are used to fill in gaps in patients’ smiles. They’re fabricated out of biocompatible materials, typically titanium, and won’t cause any redness, swelling, or irritation with your oral tissues. The screw is installed into the jawbone, and over several months, they will fuse together in a process known as osseointegration. Once this is achieved, it will form a very sturdy foundation for your smile.


Some of the primary benefits of receiving dental implants near you include:

  • Improved appearance – Your implants are purposefully made to blend in with the rest of your smile.
  • More comfort – In addition to feeling like natural teeth, the implants won’t shift or slip around like dentures can.
  • Functional – You can treat your implants just like natural teeth, which includes eating, drinking, speaking, and brushing them.
  • Durability – With proper care, implants can last a lifetime.
  • Preserves your jawbone – Missing teeth can contribute to bone deterioration if they aren’t replaced. Implants prevent this from happening by stimulating bone growth.
  • Prevent further issues – Implants are reliable and will help preserve your oral health.

It’s wise to keep in mind that not everyone is a suitable candidate for this method of treatment. Before you can undergo any official dental work, you must meet with a family dentist. They will examine your smile physically and take x-rays to understand your needs and determine the most appropriate course of action. If you have any questions, do let them know!

Come into Westbank Dental Care & Implant Centre Today

At our neighbourhood dental practice, our entire team is at your service! Acquiring dental implants can help you maintain not only your oral health but your general well-being. For more information about this, please call or email us to set up an appointment with our local dentist near you. We look forward to assisting you!